Yes. If you would like to apply using the paper application, you can print the paper application or contact the school district to request an application. Then return the completed application to your School District.
Yes. Eligibility for free or reduced price meals only lasts for one school year. However, eligibility for the previous year carries over for the first few days of the new school year, or until the new eligibility determination is made. Please complete a new application unless you received a letter from the school saying that your child is eligible for the upcoming school year.
No. Use one Free and Reduced Price School Meal Application for all students that attend school in the School District in your household.
No, but please read the letter carefully. If any children in your household were missing from your eligibility notification letter, they may also be eligible for free meals. If you think they are, you should contact the school district.
Yes, you may apply at any time during the school year. For example, children with a parent or guardian who becomes unemployed may become eligible for free or reduced price meals if the household income drops below the income limit.
All children in households are eligible for free meals when at least one household member is receiving benefits from Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. If you participate in other assistance programs, contact the school district to see if you qualify for school meal benefits.
List the amount that you normally receive. For example, if you normally make $1000 each month, but you missed some work last month and only made $900, put down that you made $1000 per month. If you normally get overtime, include it, but do not include it if you only work overtime sometimes. If you have lost a job or had your hours or wages reduced, use your current income. Seasonal employees may project their annual rate or use the prior year’s earnings – whichever provides a more accurate reflection of earnings.
Foster children who are formally placed by the state welfare agency or court in a caretaker household are eligible for benefits regardless of household income.
Participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, or WIC program, does not automatically qualify your children for free or reduced price school meals. You will need to qualify based on your household income by completing this application.
Yes. Children enrolled in Head Start are automatically eligible for free meals. You do not need to submit an application for school meal benefits unless you are requesting benefits for other school age children in your household.
To find out how to apply for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or other assistance benefits, contact the school district.
Yes. You, your children, or other household members do not have to be U.S. citizens to apply for free or reduced price meals.
No, the non-cash benefits received through the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program are not subject to public charge consideration. In other words, you will not be deported, denied entry to the country, or denied permanent status because you apply for or receive school meal benefits.
You should talk to school officials. You also may ask for a hearing by calling or writing to the school district.